Plant Native Flora to Restore Ecosystems

Ended on February 28th 2018

pledged of $20,000AU

Join a movement started by Gaby, an eight year old girl and make a difference to the natural world.


I want a biodiverse future

2 pledges

On your behalf, Carbon Neutral will plant an Acacia, or Salmon Gum, or York Gum, or one of 40 kinds of Australian Native trees or shrubs that occur in Acacia Woodlands. This is on land that was cleared and deforested in the northern Australian Wheat Belt. Get a social media shout out with a link to your website.

I support Australian Native Flora

5 pledges

Australian natives reduce salinity in soil and are vital for regeneration of natural habitat in more arid regions. On your behalf, Carbon Neutral will plant an Acacia, or Salmon Gum, or York Gum, or one of 40 species of tree or shrub that occur in Acacia Woodlands, on land that was cleared and deforested in the northern Australian Wheat Belt. Get a social media shout out with a link to your website, and be acknowledged as a supported of Gaby's Earth Week movement on the project website.

Restoring the land is important to me

3 pledges

In a region where over 90% of land has been cleared and defor, on your behalf, Carbon Neutral will plant an Acacia, or Salmon Gum, or York Gum, or one of 40 species of tree or shrub that occurs in Acacia Woodlands. Get a social media shout out with a link to your website, and be acknowledged as a supported of land regeneration in Gaby's Earth Week movement on the project website.

I love Acacia Woodlands

2 pledges

On your behalf, every week for four weeks, Carbon Neutral will plant an Acacia, or Salmon Gum, or York Gum in Acacia Woodlands on land that was cleared and deforested in the northern Australian Wheat Belt. Get a social media shout out with a link to your website, and be acknowledged on Gaby's project website as a lover of Australian Native Acacia Woodlands.

Carbon Sequester

0 pledges

Play a role in removing 1.257 million tonnes of carbon in a region where over 90% of the woodland has been cleared in the Yarra Yarra Corridor. On your behalf, Carbon Neutral will plant 100 Acacia, or Salmon Gum, or York Gum, or one of 40 kinds of Australian Native trees or shrubs that occur in Acacia Woodlands. Get a social media shout out with a link to your website, and be acknowledged as a Carbon Sequester in Gaby's Earth Week movement on the project website.

I want forests not deserts

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For your donation, Carbon Neutral will plant 500 native flora species, including trees and shrubs in the Yarra, Yarra Biodiversity Corridor in Western Australia. This wheatbelt area has been cleared and land deflation is severe. Get a shout out on social media and be acknowledged on Gaby's project website as Foundation Supporter of Ecosystem restoration day in Gaby's Earth Week movement.

Freedom to move

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Make a large impact! For your donation, Carbon Neutral will plant 1,000 native flora species, including trees and shrubs in the Yarra, Yarra Biodiversity Corridor in Western Australia. Native animals get natural habitat to move, and regenerate populations. Get a shout out on social media and acknowledged on Gaby's project website as a Foundation Supporter of Ecosystem restoration day in Gaby's Earth Week movement.

Dream Foundation Australia Ltd

Flexible Funding
Environment New South Wales, Australia


Gaby’s Message 

“Humanity is devastating the natural world.  What I care about is being lost — animals, forests, clean water and air.

If we keep doing this, we will eventually make our planet barren for future generations. 

Adults, after you are gone, I and other children will not have the world we deserve.

Please wake up! Nurture rather than spoil our beautiful planet! Your donation will allow me to work with other children in the program, to find our voices, so we are heard.”

Gaby Started a Movement, You Can Contribute

“Earth Week” is Gaby’s idea where one week in every month is devoted to different sustainable actions on each day.

One of those days is devoted to planting native trees and local native vegetation to restore ecosystems. This action also restores native animal populations, as well as providing carbon sinks to offset CO2 emissions.

The funds raised in this crowdfunding campaign will be used to acquire native floria natural to local habitats and build, and film community movements to do the planting to restore ecosystems in Gaby’s local shire, Baulkham Hills. image

In images from left to right are Kangaroo Grass,  IronBark GumSydney Blue Gum, and MaidenHair Fern, which are listed as native to the Baulkham Hills Shire. 

How to Donate

Any donation you make is appreciated.

We are asking you donate in a unique way, to take a crowdfunding rewards, where a meaningful percentage of funds that go to Australia’s largest Biodiverse Reforestation Project.  

Ecosystem restoration is also a national and global issue, and in raising funds for Gaby’s movement we want to do more.

To provide these rewards Dream Foundation and ReadyFundGo have teamed up with Carbon Neutral, an Australian Organisation that is countering desertification in the Australia’s (and perhaps the world’s) largest Biodiverse Reforestation carbon ‘sink’.  

“Within the last 100 years, over 90% of the northern Wheatbelt (known as the Mid West) has been cleared for agriculture.

This has removed so much native habitat that many plant and animal species are extinct locally or regionally. Others, however, have hung on in woodland and shrubland remnants – usually on rocky ridges and commercially less productive upper valley slopes.”


About The Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor

Reference: Carbon Neutral

Biodiverse conservation plantings, using native Australian trees and shrubs, are helping to join small patches of remnant vegetation.  Besides the all-important role of sequestering carbon from the atmosphere, the trees and shrubs help to reduce salinity, water and soil erosion, and provide habitat for the endangered Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo, Malleefowl and other threatened flora and fauna.

Trees are planted in 1 of only 35 globally recognised biodiversity ‘hotspots’.  ‘Hotspots’ cover just 2.3% of the land mass of the planet but support more than half the world’s most irreplaceable and threatened biodiversity. 

More than 50 different species endemic to the area are planted and all the plantings are protected by a 100-year Carbon Rights and Carbon Covenant.  This ensures they are not going to be cut down for a very long time.   And the trees purchased are part of the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor – a region where over 90% has been cleared. 

The Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor reforestation project more than removes carbon from the atmosphere now and every day, it has positive social, environmental and economic benefits and aligns with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – the latest video tells the story really well.

This winter we are planting 3,400 hectares of mixed native-species trees and shrubs; 770,000 seedlings and millions of seeds. 

Track Plantings

We will keep track of the number of plantings done over the course of Gaby’s movement.  You can check on how we are doing by clicking this link on the Dream Foundation (Australia) Website.

Dream Foundation Australia Ltd is a not for profit and charity. 















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12 supporters


Soraya Exposito
7 years ago

Soraya Exposito
7 years ago

7 years ago

7 years ago

Adam Sacks
7 years ago

Nicolas Tatarinoff
7 years ago

7 years ago

John Smallwood
7 years ago

7 years ago

7 years ago

7 years ago

7 years ago

2 comments on “Plant Native Flora to Restore Ecosystems

C  claude blanc

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