crowdfunding consultants

Do I need a Crowdfunding Campaign Manager?

People looking to start a crowdfunding campaign often ask themselves, or others, “Should I outsource this?” That’s a good question with many factors to consider before landing on the answer that is right for you. Let’s begin with what a crowdfunding management company would bring to the table.  How would they help you have a

Crowdfunding as a game changer for SMEs

Jill Storey writes in the Australian Institute of Company Director’s Magazine and sets out how in this current climate of restricted lending to SMEs from traditional finance sources, crowdfunding and the new equity rules have the potential to be a game changer for Australian proprietary companies. If you’re a director of a company with a

Crowdfunding to Save Our Planet – Plastic Free July

As we near the end of #plasticfreeJuly, we thought it would be fitting to do a post about the environment, in particular how crowdfunding can help saving the environment.  Whether we like to admit it or not, everybody has some sense of awareness that the environment needs to be saved. We are in a critical

Beyond Brexit: Crowdfunding in Australia Presents a Unique Opportunity

Beyond Brexit: Crowdfunding in Australia Presents a Unique Opportunity Today, 29 March 2019, was the day the UK was set to leave the EU but nearly 3 years after the vote, Brexit is still not yet presented in its final form.  Even when something approaching a final form is agreed, it is highly likely that